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Have you submitted a short story to Flunk Magazine and want Glorb's honest feedback?


Glorb will excrete an honest 300 word review of your short story. This will include the following information:


1. What made Glorb think "Hmm, I enjoyed reading this part!"

2. What made Glorb think "Hmm, this bit needs work..."

3. What made Glorb think "I wish this story had more [insert comment] in it"


Please note you are paying for Glorb's honest opinion and he cannot refund for his words.

Personalised Glorb Review

  • What now?

    In the "Additional Notes" section, simply tell Glorb your name and the title of your submission. Please give Glorb 7-14 business days to excrete his response. Glorb will send his edit to the same email that submitted the short story, unless you specify otherwise. Good luck!

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